This sonofabitch is a game programer at a small video game developer. He's a wiz with code n' shit, but is socially retarded and doesn't realize it, or doesn't appear to realize it. He's an insecure guy in his everyday life, but when's he's at work he's the alpha geek. Steve is very good at what he does and loves being a condescending dickhead to those who work with him. He reads D&D books and "Hard Sci/Fi". He publicly dismisses the Harry Potter books, as "mildly interesting for kids" but internaly dreams of going to Hogwarts someday. I hope that someday Steve will touch a woman's breast. As anoying and creepy as Steve can be he's really just a sad guy who needs boobs in the face.
Mister! I am laughing out loud right now, because I know this guy!...only, when I knew him, he was a skinny acne ridden guy with spikey hair and glasses.
Oh my God that was freakin' hillarious. Water almost shot out through my nose when I got to the Hogwarts part. I think we've all known a "Tuttleman" in the work place.
I think Steve doesn't want to touch just any woman's breasts - he's hoping for a furry gal. You know, someone who's half woman, half cat...or at least wearing a cat costume. Poor guy.
oh how i yearn to be that cool someday...that is the funniest thing i've read in weeks.
Tuttle man. Toodool men. Tiddlemine. Tittilmin. However you spell or say it, he still a punk.
HE ! HE!! Wicked character!
Sounds like almost every guy Hally had to work with. She's always been the only female hardware engineer in every company she's worked for. You should take out your aggression on a comic based on this guy. I'd read that.
wow, he's not going to read this, is he??
thanks a lot. this is a very nice blog and your web site is divine. i really like the sketchbook in particular.
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