There's a 4 page spotlight on my goofy ol' sketchbook in Imagine FX 56. I also did this lil' Imp for the Fantasy Character A-Z section of the magazine. This issue is chalked full of cool stuff (as usual) so pick it up from your local bookstore and check out their website-
Cool! Congrats!
Effin sweet Jimmy!!! I can't wait till this hits the stands. Proud of you homie.
Good to see - picked it up this weekend!
Saw the issue. I had to flip through it quickly, but your art was the only stuff in it that interested me so I remembered your website to check out when I got home -- and here I am!
Congrats on getting into the issue :D
Damn your stuff is amazing!
Colin, im italian, can you send to me a copy of IFX where you were publicated? (issue 56 and 51) I will pay to you the expediton and the cost of magazine.. please contact me on deimos_90_@hotmail.it
Yay! I can't wait to pick up a copy!
Saw the article, cool!
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