All the other Aztecs are all like- "Let's just chill and drink this tasty-ass coco drink. This sh@t's hella good." But not Derek, he's all like-"F this Sh#t. I'm sacrificing some peasants. I mean damn, have you seen this sweet ass beat stick I've been wielding around that past few days? I mean have any of you noticed? This thing is bad-ass and not one have you has said sh*t. It'd be nice to hear a-"hey Derek, sweet beat stick! Where'd you get it? ", but whatever. You nerds drink your coco crap. when you're not lookin'- WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sacrifice!!!!! You're welcome Lizard-Snake-God-Guy. No problem, anytime. Oh this? It's just my beat stick. You do? Thanks! I think it's pretty bad-ass too.
Oh Derek.
Interesting history, I am surprised I didn't learn this in school.
This made me giggle for about a minute straight. That guy needs some anger management therapy. Must be all that impending doom in gloom in 2012 that's got him down.
haha Sooo awesome! great painting of Derek and great conversation with Derek. Derek kicks ass!
nice beatstick.
Ggggggggggoooooo. I say, this here "beat stick" story leaves a bit of the ol co co flavor knocked out my grizzill. You gotta admire Derek in so many levels but mainly for his work ethic. While others are straight snackin...this kid's a whackin. That's right I said it...whackin!!!
Yeah, I totally agree, every one needs a just a little recognition. Poor derek :( i feel em.
Love the exposition man and definitely the art :D lol
Ha!! Love it and would love to be there watching you in the pitch meeting.
Fantastic work you got here.
I was a bit flabbergasted by the fact that he was aztec and called Derek.
I sure had him pegged as a Phillipe and a quite snooty Phillipe at that. A Phillipe who appreciated the finer things in life like wine & his stuffed Crocodile named "The Pig" (Because it always ends up in a mess).
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