My sketchbook pages are more or less in a constant state of change. I just keep working on top of them until I'm satisfied with the image. I did this work directly on the pages from the last post. I used Sharpie Poster Paint, a Presto Correction Pen, Sharpies (black, red, orange, silver) , a white Gelly Roll pen, Higgins india ink, a Derwent Studio pencil, Crayola Crayons, Liquitex Matte Medium, a ball point pen, scotch tap, artist tape, and some other crap. This latest post is a done for now.........................
I love what you've done with the original here Jimmy. I like how you've layed these out when you have both open in the same window you can toggle back and forth and see the progression. Even without the text we know that Dorthy is fucked.
Hey Colin
awesome stuff here man!!
Holy Shit, man, this is officially one of my favorite new artblogs I've come across. Absolutely Gorgeous work.
Nice. I love this style!
If you can take one thing from San Jose, it's knowing how to draw some fucking great nipples.
This is wicked fun!
and the kitchen sink?
But seriously, you are MacGuyver.
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