So here's what sketchbook post 43 turned into. This is part of a side project some co-workers and I are working on after regular work hours. I'll only be posting a very, very, small handful of images from this project on my blog. The large bulk of the work will be
available for viewing at a later date. I'm super stoked about this little
endeavor and will be hard at work on it for the next year.
Awesome man. I've been meaning to comment on the last few posts on this fella'. Great stuff going on with it. I'm totally curious what the project is.
I've tried getting stuff like that together here, but it never pans out. If you need any extra art help (yeah right) just shout.
Wow this is really cool, I love the direction you're going with it.... can't wait to see more!
very nice, I really like the way you "cut out" your figures, giving them almost a "graphic design" look.
very cool.
pretty friggin cool dude!
nice silhouette on this character! beautiful taper and proportions, too. I love where you ended up with this guy!
THAT is super cool. Nice stuff!
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