Here's a few photos I took....................um so, yeah, there you go. A few photos..........for you, the person looking at this blog. Uh..................you're very nice, I like your eyes. So congratulations on your pretty eyes. You should be very proud.
I remeber that day.... mice and termites and maggots everywhere. Shouldn't we call the exterminator yet?
I see that when I poo .. is that bad?
OOOOhh snap! You done got the new menu list at La Vics. And this here samples with the orange sauce is what the new kids are all a ravin bout!
Those are cool... the last one is my favorite!
wow... disturbing... but I somehow like it.. especially the last one. Great job.
hahahahahahahaha. that laugh is for what u wrote! photos are great. ;-)
Ew, what's the white bug larvae thing? Nasty!
Damn, that's some sophisticated photography. You should definitely keep that up. I could totally picture those in a graphic novel.
I think that rat needs something to eat.
Conversely, the larvae look quite satiated.
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