I'll be donating this piece entitled- "Hellboy n' Shit".
When I found out about the auction I didn't have a clue as to what my piece would look like. So I just whipped out a piece of matte board and started slappin' down some acrylic paint, India ink, acrylic gloss medium and torn newspaper pieces . I then took a photo of of the acrylic/ink chaos, cut the photo in to pieces and glued it back on to the matte board. Next I took a blurry photo of Venetian mask my wife and I have in our art studio and glued that to the matte board. At this point I still had no idea where the fuck I was going with this. I then drew a face on the blurry mask photo, threw in some stars, started slappin' some paint around, added a cig, and what not, then scanned it. After futzing around in Photoshop for a while, this guy kept saying to me "dude, I'm Hellboy, hey, it's me, Hellboy", so I finally agreed with this red feller, "yeah, he is Hellboy." So I Hellboyed him up a bit, printed it out on a big ass piece of paper, and that's where I'm at now. Next up, I'm going to mount it to a piece of Masonite and finish it off with some acrylic paint and various media. I'll post that when it's done.