Here are more characters I did for "From Russia With Love". These fine gentelmen are part of an evil organization known as OCTOPUS (not sure if that's what they ended being called in the game or not), created just for FRWL. They were supposed to be S.P.E.C.T.R.E. henchmen from the Bond films, but there was some sort of legal issue that prevented them from doing that. Anyway the guy on the left is a "Gun Soldier", the guy on the middle is the "Comander", and the fella on the right is a "Sniper". I've found that often times Character design for video games can be kind of funny ,mostly for secondary characters. A game designer or art director might tell you to "make him a soldier that fits within a certain time period with handguns, and a greandade strapped to his belt for the hero to shoot" and that's all you 've got to go on. So you've really got to fill in the blanks. Sometimes it feels like "cannon fodder design" instead of "character design" Cannon Fodder, or Character, I friggin' love drawing this crap. Love it..................... Devil horns!!!!!!!! Yeah!!